2003 paint QH gelding
Used is our EAL program
Equine Care Partners: Anonymous Donors
Fun Fact: He used to be a team roping horse
Best Friend: Shaq
Starbucks Order: Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino with Extra Whip

“Peppys Minnick Man”
2009 palomino QH gelding
Fun Fact: Prefers small riders and loves going to shows
Best Friend: Finn
Starbucks Order: Iced Sugar Cookie Almondmilk Latte

2004 black pony gelding
Equine Care Partners: Carys, Cate, Lily and Lucy Nielsen
Fun Fact: Accepts payments in the form of gluten free mint oreos only
Best Friend: Alicia
Starbucks Order: Venti Caramel Ribbon Crunch Frappuccino extra caramel

2011 bay QH gelding
Used in our EAL program.
Equine Care Partners: Carol and Mike Watford
Fun Fact: Churro loves to swim in the pond.
Best Friend: Quito
Starbucks Order: Iced Caramel Macchiato

2002 paint pony mare
Fun Fact: She has been with Inspiration Ranch since 2012
Best Friend: Storm
Starbucks Order: Pink Drink

“BBS Diamond King”
2005 sorrel QH mare
Equine Care Partners: Yvette and Scott McNellie
Fun Fact: She use to barrel race but now enjoys the slower pace of her therapeutic riding lessons
Best Friend: Tater Trot
Starbucks Order: Cinnamon Dolce Latte

“Aristocratic Puckleberry Finn”
2020 American Mini 32" tall
Used in our equine academics program.
Equine Care Partners: Carol and Mike Watford
Fun Fact: He is a registered therapy mini through METSA
Best Friend: Boots
Starbucks Order: White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino

2005 gray QH gelding
Equine Care Partners: You First Foundation - Credit Union
Fun Fact: Our go-to horse for parades and rodeo events
Best Friend: Pony
Starbucks Order: Dark Roast Brewed Coffee

“SCC Generalsfunnygal”
2017 gray QH mare
Equine Care Partners: Intex Flooring
Fun fact: She is the youngest horse in our herd
Best friend: Louann
Starbucks Order: Iced Hazelnut Oatmilk Shaken Espresso (with an extra shot)
“VF Georgiasonmymind"
Equine Care Partners: AK Pain and Spine
Ankur & Crystal Khosla
Fun Fact: Has extensive show experience in Texas and the surrounding states
Best Friend: Jenny
Starbucks Order: Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew

“Geronimo’s Heir”
2009 brown Appendix gelding
Equine Care Partners: Lavoy and Anne Moore Charitable Foundation
Fun Fact: His grandfather was a popular thoroughbred racing stallion in NY
Best Friend: Ruger
Starbucks Order: Nitro Cold Brew

“La Pluma”
2000 bay Arabian mare
Equine Care Partners: Steve Fath
Fun Fact: She used to be an endurance horse, running 25-100 mile races
Best Friend: Skipper
Starbucks Order: Honey Almondmilk Flat White

“Fancy Splash”
17 Year Old Pinto Cross
Fun fact: Came from SFA and was used as a lesson horse in their program
Best Friend: Ghost
​Starbucks Order: Chai Tea Latte

2003 sorrel pony gelding
Used in our EAL program
Fun Fact: Loves to rest his head on your shoulder
Best friend: Titan
Starbucks Order: Pistachio latte
2001 bay Mustang gelding
Used in our EAL program
Fun Fact: He is our only Mustang
Best Friend: River
Starbucks Order: Espresso Shot

“Cry Me a River”
2014 bay Thoroughbred gelding
Used in our EAL program
Fun Fact: He is the tallest horse at the ranch
Best Friend: Ranger
Starbucks Order: Venti Quad Shot Latte

2001 bay roan pony gelding
Fun Fact: Has a four-leaf clover brand
Best Friend: Chief
Starbucks Order: Java Chip Frappuccino

2010 paint gelding
Equine Care Partners: Mark Pharo and Family
Fun Fact: He was a therapeutic riding horse in another program before joining ours
Best Friend: Mo
Starbucks Order: Mango Dragonfruit Refresher

2004 black QH gelding
Used in our EAL program.
Fun Fact: Will only run if lunch is involved
Best Friend: Bob
Starbucks Order: Americano

2001 sorrel pony mare
Equine Care Partners: You First Foundation
Fun Fact: Her sister's name is Barbie
Best Friend: Pluma
Starbucks Order: Honey Citrus Mint Tea

“Lady Ann Storm”
2004 Haflinger mare
Equine Care Partners: Florence and Jim Carlton
Fun Fact: One of our most solid horses, she is quiet and calms the most nervous riders
Best Friend: Feather
Starbucks Order: Grande Iced Blonde Vanilla Latte

Fun Fact: He loves to jump!
Best Friend: Feeby
Starbucks Order: Matcha Latte

2003 sorrel Warmblood gelding
Used is our EAL program
Equine Care Partners: Anonymous Donors
Fun Fact: He is the only warmblood in the herd
Best Friend: Churro
Starbucks Order: London Fog Latte

“Lil Darling’s Wildfire”
Shetland Mini / 41" Tall
Equine Care Partners: Bonnie Weekley
Fun Fact: She loves to investigate new things and does a safety check by touching things with her muzzle
Best Friend: Chief
Starbucks Order: Strawberry Acai Refresher

Ranch Cat
Hometown: Magnolia, TX
Favorite Pastime: Cuddles from the kiddos
Known For: Having ZERO boundries

Ranch Cat
Hometown: Magnolia, TX
Nickname: Harry
Loves: Watching Birds
Favorite Pastime: Long Naps

Ranch Cat
Hometown: The Woodlands, TX
Favorite Food: Catnip
Interesting Fact: Despite being a full-time resident of Inspiration Ranch, Lilly has yet to work one billable hour.

Ranch Longhorn
Hometown: Magnolia, TX
Favorite Pastime: Grazing in the Pasture
Known For: Bossing his brother Walker around

Ranch Longhorn
Hometown: Magnolia, TX
Loves: When visitors bring extra food for snacks
Favorite Pastime: Long Naps in the pasture