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From Barrel Racing to Therapeutic Riding

I’m a pretty tall horse with a long stride. Before I came to Inspiration Ranch, I was a barrel racer. I can understand why Hannah was a little intimidated to get on at her first riding session.

But when one of my clients is ready to ride, I know my job. My rider needs me. It’s my responsibility to radiate calm, use the rhythm of my walk to soothe their anxiety, and ease their fears.

I can tell the difference between when they arrive and when they leave. And after my first semester of sessions at Inspiration Ranch, I can tell the difference between them in September and December.

Like Hannah, she isn’t afraid anymore. And she is physically stronger. She sits more confidently and doesn’t

need her volunteers to help her as much. Her legs are stronger, and I can feel that she is more stable in the saddle. When we trot, she doesn’t bounce as much. Maybe that’s some of what she was talking to Santa about at our Christmas party.

The staff tells me that all of this is thanks to your generosity. They say that it’s you that cover the cost of my care and Hannah’s riding sessions.

And they say that we need more horses to join me in my work so that we can have more riders join Hannah in the therapeutic riding program.

Will you help?



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