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Hometown: Houston, TX

Favorite Food: Cheese Enchiladas

The Movie I'll Never Say No To Watching: The Princess Bride

Irrational Fear: Restaurant Buzzers


Lara Beckham

PATH Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor, CTRI

Hometown: Georgetown, TX

Favorite Food: Many favorites, but my daily go-to favorite food/snack is popcorn (I love many different varities but especially love Sour Patch Kids with popcorn).

The movie I'll never say no to: The Princess Bride

Three unusual things that make me happy:

   1. Being a Texan and loving chili with beans

   2. Going to the dentist (love having clean teeth)

   3. Pulling weeds out by the roots in my yard is gratifying.



Emily Bedow

Hometown: Allen, TX

Favorite Food: Tacos

Three unusual things that make me happy:

   1. Doing laundry (because of the smell of detergent)

   2. The extra fries at the bottom of the bag

   3. Campfire/grill smell

I have an insatiable love for: trying new restaurants.

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Laura Bradshaw

Hometown: Colorado, Springs

Favorite Food: Chicken Alfredo pizza with feta and bacon

The movie I'll never say no to: Pirates of The Caribbean

Three unusual things that make me happy:

   1. The smell of the air right before it rains

   2. The smell of fly spray or show shein when sprayed

   3. Walking on fresh dirt that has been dragged in the arena

Anthony & Daph

Anthony Busacca

Therapeutic Riding Education Coordinator

PATH Master Level Riding Instructor, CTRI and ESMHL

Hometown: Arlington, Virginia

Favorite Food: Peach Pie

Three unusual things that make me happy:

   1. Visiting obscure historical sites and museums

   2. Emptying trash cans

   3. Drinking beer with my beagle. 

As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a cocktail lounge singer.


Darlene Cary

Therapeutic Riding Program Manager

PATH Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor, CTRI

CHA Instructor of Riders with Disabilities, Level 3

Hometown: Syracuse, New York

An item on my bucket list:

Ride a Thoroughbred around a race track at full speed. The speed….the wind in my face, and the only sound you hear are the hooves pounding the ground.

The movie I’ll never say no to watching: Gladiator! (Something about this movie makes me feel alive inside.)

If you could add one fictional character to your family, who would it be? It wouldn’t hurt if Iron Man was my brother….he’s funny, smart and can help if we have an alien invasion…what’s not to love?



Justine Daniel

Mental Health Program Manager

PATH Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor, 

Natural Lifemanship, NLC-EP

Hometown: Cleveland, OH

Favorite Food: All things breakfast

Three unusual things that make me happy:

  1. Sleeping in a tent

  2. Days that I have no reason to check the time

  3. Black coffee

An item on my bucket list: Sky Diving in New Zealand


Erin Derkowski



Stephanie Edwards

PATH Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor, CTRI

Hometown: Kansas City

Favorite Food: Sushi – the real kind…not with all the spicy mayo and cream cheese.

Three unusual things that make me happy:

   1. A well-organized, color-coded closet.

   2. Baking and decorating cakes.

   3. Re-watching The Office over and over again.

An item on my bucket list: Attend a baseball game at every MLB stadium in the country. 


Jessica Gieser

PATH Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor,
CTRI, METSA Certified

Hometown: Ramona, California  

Favorite Food: Mac and cheese 

Where do you fall in the birth order/how many siblings do you have?  Fourth of Eight 

Three unusual things that make me happy:

   1. Boy band music

   2. The smell of leather

   3. Parking spots next to the cart return

An item on my bucket list:

See the Chincoteague ponies swim from Assateague Island.   



Hometown: Highlands Ranch, CO 

Three unusual things that make me happy: 

   1. Finding the perfect emoji/Bitmoji for the occasion

   2. Trip planning to a new destination

   3. New episodes of My Favorite Murder podcast

I have an insatiable love for: The Great British Baking Show 

If you could add one fictional character to your family, who would it be?: 100% - David Rose from Schitt’s Creek 

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Melissa Jurik

Vice President of Development

Hometown: Alamogordo, NM

Three unusual things that make me happy: 

   1. My daily family Wordle group chat

   2. Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

   3. Doing escape rooms with my family

I have an insatiable love for: Planning Trips

If you could add one fictional character to your family, who would it be? Cousin Greg


Ani Carla Kalafian

Executive & Development Admin

Hometown: Los Angeles, CA

Favorite Food: A meatless charcuterie board

If I had a superpower it would be: To know every language of the world

Three unusual things that make me happy: 

   1. Coffee

   2. Rugs

   3. Crystals


Branden Kline

Equine Ranch Hand

Hometown: Jefferson Station, NY

Favorite Food: White pizza with bacon, onions, and extra cheese

Three unusual things that make me happy:

   1. My Little Pony

   2. Soft Blankets

   3. Plush Toys

Unusual Skill: Synchronizing the right music with video


Katie Kodjavakian

Certified Advanced Equine Specialist

by Animal Behavior Institute 

Hometown: Lindenhurst IL

Favorite Food: Mac and Cheese 

The movie I'll never say no to: Jurassic Park or World War Z

Three unusual things that make me happy:

   1. Bugs, especially jumping spiders & Bees! 

   2. Cheese 

   3. Mexican food


Hometown: Houston

Favorite Food: BBQ

Where Do You Fall In The Birth Order/How Many 

siblings do you have?: I’m the third child, the youngest

Three unusual things that make me happy:

   1. Animals

   2. Being in nature

   3. Fantasy video games


Virgil Maier

Senior Ranch Hand

Hometown: Long Lake, SD

Favorite Food: My Mom's homemade noodle soup

Birth Order: Oldest of 3 siblings

If I had a boat, I'd name it: Escape - Girl Dad


Michelle Monaco

Grants and Development Coordinator

Hometown:  Arlington, TX

If I could pick a superpower it would be: The ability to talk 
    to animals!

Three unusual things that make me happy: 

    1. Leaving one leg out when under a blanket

    2. Drinking pickle juice from the jar

    3. Seeing perfectly shaped spider webs

If you could add one fictional character to your family, who would it be? The Genie from Aladdin

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Alicia "Lish" Montesa

MA, LPC-Associate, NCC.
Supervised by Monica McClain, LPC-S



Hometown:  Kiel, Wisconsin
Favorite Food:
  Ramen and Anything Mediterranean

The Movie I'll Never say No To:  Beetlejuice

Three unusual things that make me happy: 

    1. Moving

    2. Forgotten cash in a pocket

    3. The smell of cilantro

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Cole Moxley

Property & Compliance Manager

Hometown: Crystal Lake, IL

If I could pick a superpower it would be: Moving things with my mind, because getting out of bed to turn off the lights is the worst.

As a kid, I wanted to be: A paleontologist 

If I had a boat, I’d name it: The Kales

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Alicia Penny

Volunteer Coordinator

Hometown: Cypress

If I could pick a superpower it would be: Since I already have Mom superpowers, I would want healing powers to be able to save lives.  

As a kid, I wanted to be: A cowgirl

Birth Order: I’m the absolute favorite and the Middle Child of 2 sisters
Movie I'll never say no to: The Cable Guy

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Noel Plutto

PATH Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor, CTRI

Hometown: Bloomsburg, PA

Three unusual things that make me happy:

   1. Brushing my dogs' teeth

   2. Dragonfly landing on me

   3. Mud between my toes

Movie I'll never say no to: Pitch Perfect

Favorite Food: Yellow Curry from Ploy Thai

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Keith O'Connor


Speech Pathologist



Mallory Scott

Pets: Two dogs (Yankee Poodle and Maple Syrup), about a dozen chickens and five barn cats.

Birth Order: I’m number 4 out of 5 kids

What I Love about the Ranch: I love working with the horses and riders and seeing how the riders find peace with the horses.

Three things that make me happy:

    1.  Music

    2. Animals

    3. When I can easily write a college paper that’s due                  without any problems


Yurie Zenero

Hometown:  Fukuoka, Japan

Favorite Food:  Korean ramen (Shin ramen)

A movie I'll never say no to: Hobbit

Three unusual things that make me happy:

     1.  When I run 10+ miles with my favorite podcast or

     songs, enjoying the perfect weather and feeling like a
     true athlete.

     2.  When I take on the advanced downhill mountain   
     bike trail and make it to the bottom in one piece.

     3. When I speak to the horses at Inspiration Ranch in         Japanese, they look like they understand me. 

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